5 Levels of Difficulty in Rock Climbing

Each type has a rock climbing difficulty level. Measuring the level of difficulty of climbing can be use to predict the level of difficulty of the climbing routes. There are 5 levels of difficulty in rock climbing as a reference knowledge climber.

Grade 5.7 to 5.8:
Rate of climb an easy path. Marked tracks such as rock climbing grip and footing very much, great danmudah in the can. The slope of the cliff has not reached 90 degrees.

Grade 5.9:
Path a little more difficult because of the distance between the handle and the ground started far apart but there are many and great.

Grade 5.10:
At this level already difficult climb, kompsisi grip and footing was varied large and small. The distance between the slit dantonjolan apart. There are two pedestal hand, and a footstool, a balance is needed climber.

Grade 5,11:
The difficulty level is even more difficult because of the location of the handle grip with one another and the small remote that can only be held by a couple of fingers. Both feet wide movement to the feet can rest on the next pedestal. The form is like hanging cliffs and rooftops.

Grade 5,13:
The path of many hanging and roofs. Using one hand and one foot. Perform friction climbing that relies on the fingertips, even the heel should be linked to the footing.

Belaying Techniques to Back up Leader

Rock climbing for beginners, learn the first important things about rock climbing procedure so that you are getting to be like a pro.
Belaying techniques to back up leader, so in a secure state in the climbing lane. Let us examine some of these instructions.

Just like you have been doing indoors. Belaying outdoor rock climbing, stay close in to the base of the crag where you can see what’s going on. Keep a hand on each side of the rope all the time and pay out slack smoothly. As a bonus try and anticipate exactly when your leader needs some slack and pay some rope out just before they make a move or clip a runner so they don’t have to shout for slack or give the rope.

If the leader falls in the wall as there will probably be more friction with the rope running through runners and rubbing against the rock. Just keep an eye on your partner so it doesn’t come as a shock and don’t have your hands too close to the belay device so your skin gets pinched (ouch!).

Size of climber/belayer: Smaller belayers belaying larger climbers may want a higher friction device to help hold falls and control lowers. However, watch for the belayer being pulled off the ground when holding a fall. A ground anchor may be useful in some circumstances. Conversely when belaying small climbers; especially small children, high friction devices mean it is harder to lower them down as there is too much friction in the system.

Learn how to use a prusik knot to act as a backup in case you lose control of the rope and it won’t feel as intimidating. The photo below shows a popular set up using a French prusik wrapped around the rope below the abseil device and clipped to a leg-loop.